Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Coolest (Coldest?) Bed

(click on any photo to enlarge it)
Birds do it

Seals do it

Why don't I do it?!?

I don't know about you these days, but I'm feeling so hot! What's the story with this summer? It just doesn't end! So I'm sitting here, fantasizing about a cold, comfy bed to find refuge in. And what's better than Pure Antarctic Ice for that? The coolness! The whiteness! The Purity!

I must be losing my mind. It's the heat. Sorry.

Certainly, one of the nice things about traveling in Antarctica (or the Arctic, back in the days when there was still sea ice!) is to watch how the various mammals of the region enjoy the temperature. Our idea of a warm bed is for them, well...

A very cold bed! This seal sure looks like it's having a very good nap. But what about the dreams? Well, how about this "I have a dream, and it's mostly comprised of shrimp" dream?:

Life can be harsh, though. Imagine you spent your night on ice, and then, to warm up, what do you do? Dive into the icy water? Of course. We know that many times the ocean is actually warmer, because sea water that isn't frozen is at about -2C/28F, while it could be much colder outside. Convinced yet? Not this penguin - who stood there for long minutes, contemplating physics and wondering whether it would be a good idea to dive in:

But the best part, for sure, is waking up from the coolest bed and looking out the window. That makes life, and trip to the Antarctic, worth it - Isn't it?

Read my post On Thin Ice to enjoy more of the coolest stuff.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Makes me appreciate my down comforter.
Peter S.

Marrisa said...

They look as it snow was a real down comforter. So envy!

Mary said...

They look as it snow was a genuine down sofa-bed. So envy!

Olivia said...

Amazing! White snow looks like a white down comforter. Really pretty.

Ryan said...

Thank you Eyal for sharing your experiences and nice photos.

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